Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Some Useful PHP Tools for Web Development (Ⅱ)

Here are some useful PHP tools for web development, including PHP development framework, PHP code generator, debugging tools, graphic processing tools, code optimization tools, PHP editors, IDE, etc.

VS.Php is a PHP IDE (integrated development environment) based on Visual Studio IDE. With VS.Php you can design, develop, debug and deploy PHP applications within the Visual Studio IDE. VS.Php key features are around providing rich PHP editor as well as Smarty editing capabilities. Also is the ability to debug PHP scripts locally as well as remotely.

PHPScriptGen is a powerful online tool that can automatically generates fully functional codes for your PHP/MySQL applications. You can create completed CRUD (Create, Retrieve Update and Delete) scripts within ten minutes. Thus it can save you a lot of time wasted on repetitive coding. The generated codes can be easily understood and further customized. It is designed for both beginners and veteran programmers. This amazing tool is completely FREE for both commercial and non-commercial use.

Smarty is a web template system written in PHP. It is intended to simplify compartmentalization, allowing the presentation of a web page to change separately from the back-end. Ideally, this eases the costs and efforts associated with software maintenance. Smarty generates web content by the placement of special Smarty tags within a document. These tags are processed and substituted with other code. Tags are directives for Smarty that are enclosed by template delimiters. These directives can be variables, denoted by a dollar sign ($), functions, logical or loop statements. Smarty allows PHP programmers to define custom functions that can be accessed using Smarty tags.

Xdebug is a PHP extension which provides debugging and profiling capabilities. It uses the DBGp debugging protocol. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: stack and function traces in error messages with: full parameter display for user defined functions, function name, file name and line indications, support for member functions, memory allocation, protection for infinite recursions. Xdebug also provides: profiling information for PHP scripts, code coverage analysis, capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debugger front-end. Xdebug is also available via the PECL library.

Scavenger is an open source real-time vulnerability management tool. It helps system administrators respond to vulnerability findings, track vulnerability findings, review accepted or false-positive answered vulnerabilities, and not 'nag' system administrators with old vulnerabilities. At this time, Scavenger parses the results from a Nessus scan and stores them in a MySQL database. From that point, a user can login to a web interface and answer a vulnerability as 'addressed', 'accept', or 'false-positive'. If an administrator answers accept or false-positive, Scavenger will not insert a new vulnerability again. However, if a user marks a vulnerability as 'addressed' and it comes up again in a scan, it will insert a new vulnerability into the database.

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