are five very good PHP tools for web development, including development
framework, debugger, PHP code generator, etc.
Fire PHP
Fire PHP, which is a Firefox extension, can
help web developer debug the backend PHP program. It requires web developer to add
some tracking code when edits program that is similar to some IDE (integrated
development environment). The web developer can see the data he wants to debug
in the Console of Firebug, without affecting the normal execution of the PHP
program. It is useful for Ajax development.
is a powerful free online development tool that can automatically generate
fully functional and customizable codes for PHP/MySQL applications. Completed
CRUD (Create, Retrieve Update and Delete) scripts can be created within
minutes. It is simple and easy for both beginners and veteran programmers to
Zoop PHP Framework is framework written in and for PHP. It is stable, scalable
and portable. It is designed to be fast, efficient and clean. With Zoop PHP
Framework, an inexperienced coder can make secure web applications quickly. It encourages
separation of display, logic and data layers(MVC). The Zoop PHP framework
features GuiControls (a PHP implementation of .net's webcontrols), AJAX support
and integration, automatic form validation and creation (including db
integration), a Smarty template system, PDF creation, session handling, and
SMTP template-based email sending, and integrated caching.
is a comprehensive application framework and content management system. BlueShoes
offers support for MySQL database and support for Oracle and MSSQL. BlueShoes
provides developers with real-world solutions for common system components such
as User Management, Session Handling, Closed User Groups, Exception Handling
and Logging, Object Persisting as well as Form Building and Handling. BlueShoes'
extensive feature set can also simplify or eliminate many common, and often
tedious, programming tasks.
is a PHP application framework that creates data centric business applications
derived from XML metadata. The web developer can use metadata to describe the
business logic, rather than with code. It is simple and powerful. With the
using of it, the web developer can get a rapid development. The maintenance cost
is low.
your site is very informative.
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