Object Generator, (POG) is an open source PHP code generator which
automatically generates clean & tested Object Oriented code for your
PHP4/PHP5 application. Over the years, we realized that a large portion of a
PHP programmer's time is wasted on repetitive coding of the Database Access
Layer of an application simply because different applications require different
object. By generating PHP objects with integrated CRUD methods, POG gives you a
head start in any project. The time you save can be spent on more interesting
areas of your project.
is a powerful online tool that can automatically generates fully functional
codes for your PHP/MySQL applications. You can create completed CRUD (Create,
Retrieve Update and Delete) scripts within ten minutes. Thus it can save you a
lot of time wasted on repetitive coding. The generated codes can be easily
understood and further customized. It is designed for both beginners and veteran
programmers. This amazing tool is completely FREE for both commercial and
non-commercial use.
set of CRUD scripts
set up multiple tables
set up tables' relationships
input options for fields
generated database file
for internationalization
and easily to be customized
to use
is a flexible and shapable skin that sits on top of MySQL, making it accessible
to every-day users. It automatically generates the appropriate forms, lists,
and menus for a user to interact with the database without having to know any
SQL. It is a full-featured Web application framework, and gives developers the
flexibility to customize the features and behavior of their application via
configuration files (using the simple INI-file syntax), templates, and
plug-ins. A generic application with no customizations is completely
functional, but the developer is free to customize things at his leisure.
UMLtoPHP tool automatically generates full-fledged PHP applications from UML
class diagrams. The generated application offers all basic CRUD
(Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionalities to show and manipulate the
application data (see the examples below). More specifically, this first
version of the service generates a Doctrine (database abstraction layer used by
most PHP frameworks) schema file that can be passed on to, for instance, the
Symfony PHP framework to automatically generate all the CRUD code for the
Generator for MySQL is a MySQL GUI frontend that allows you to generate
high-quality PHP scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the
further working with these objects through the web.